Public life in Panchagarh disrupted by bitterly cold winter

Winter has arrived in the northernmost Panchagarh district of the country, bringing with it cold mountain winds and mist. Life has come to a halt amid the bitterly cold weather. Mist has been blowing like raindrops since late at night. The temperature has also dropped, making the bitterly cold more noticeable.

The lowest temperature recorded in Tenturia was 10.4 degrees Celsius at 6 am on Monday, December 30. The minimum temperature was recorded at 12.9 degrees Celsius at 9 am on Sunday.

Tenturia’s Deputy Chief Meteorological Officer Jitendra Nath Roy confirmed this. He said the district continued to experience bitter cold due to cold winds blowing from the northwest. However, the temperature dropped by 2.5 degrees Celsius compared to Sunday. The minimum temperature recorded in Tenturia at 6 am on Monday was 10.4 degrees Celsius. The humidity at the time was 99 percent, equivalent to the 12.9 degrees Celsius recorded on Sunday. Officials said the temperature could drop further in the coming days.

It was clear that there were fewer people on the streets in the morning. A cold wind was blowing, making it feel very cold. As a result, hard-working people could not go to work. But some people went out despite the cold. Many people started burning straw at 7 a.m. to keep warm.

Meanwhile, the winter season has seen an increase in the number of patients at hospitals in the area. Especially children and the elderly. They come in with various winter-related illnesses, such as colds and fevers. Some people leave the clinic after treatment. Some people whose condition worsens are hospitalized.

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