6,000 prisoners escaped from a high-security prison in the city of Mpumalanga, Mozambique. The incident occurred on Christmas Day, December 25, 2024. The incident took place amid post-election violence in the country. Police said that the escape of the prisoners resulted in a fierce battle with security forces. 33 prisoners were killed and 15 were injured in the clashes. Police are taking special measures to catch the prisoners who escaped from the prison.
The incident reflects the post-election chaos in Mozambique. Following the election on October 9, which was won by the ruling party, the country was rocked by violent protests. The protests have exacerbated political tensions in the country. Prison breaks, post-election violence, crackdowns on protests, and a lack of confidence have become major challenges for the government.
Such incidents are not new in Mozambique. Prisoners have escaped from prisons in the past, attacking security agencies and security forces. But this is the first time that the country has experienced such a large-scale escape, with 6,000 prisoners escaping at once. The Mozambican government has launched a continuous investigation into this development. It has drawn up plans to tighten the prison security system. But officials say that such incidents should not become more deadly in the future and should not lead to a political crisis.