Manmohan Singh Passed Away: Former Prime Minister and senior Congress leader Manmohan Singh (92) passed away. He was admitted to AIIMS hospital in Delhi after he fell seriously ill on Thursday evening. He breathed his last on Thursday night while undergoing treatment in the emergency department. Manmohan Singh had been suffering from ill health for some time. He was admitted to AIIMS after he fell seriously ill in this process. He passed away while undergoing treatment.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who learned about Manmohan Singh’s admission to the hospital, called his family members and spoke to them. On the other hand, Wayanad MP and senior Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi went to AIIMS. Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge, senior Congress leader and MP Rahul Gandhi, who attended the CWC meeting in Belagavi, left for Delhi in a hurry. All the programs scheduled for Friday have been canceled.