It is well known that a woman named Revathi died and her son Sritej was seriously injured in a stampede during the Pushpa-2 premiere show at Hyderabad’s Sandhya Theater. The incident has received mixed reactions from state politicians and film personalities. However, AP BJP President and Rajahmundry MP Purandeshwari said that it is unfair to accuse Allu Arjun as the main accused in this incident.
Purandeswari questioned Allu Arjun, who had come to watch the premiere of her film, about his crime and said why he should be held responsible for the incident. She criticized the ulterior motive behind targeting Arjun, the 11th accused, without mentioning the first 10 accused in the incident. Purandeswari opined that the government should focus on the circumstances that led to the stampede and it is not appropriate to hold Allu Arjun guilty.
She said that the loss to Revathi’s family is painful, but it is not right to unnecessarily target Allu Arjun. She suggested that the government should be more careful in such matters. She also commented that there are doubts that there is a political agenda behind the government’s actions on this incident. Purandeswari said that it is not right to make false allegations against a person like Allu Arjun and that due justice should be done in this case.