Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt welcomed the New Year with a special ceremony. Bollywood star couple Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt showed their love for each other at the start of the New Year. They celebrated with their families.
Recently, Ranbir Kapoor’s mother Neetu Kapoor shared a video story on Instagram. From the video, we can see that Ranbir and Alia went to a luxurious resort to ring in the New Year. Neetu Kapoor, Soni Razdan, Riddhima Kapoor with her husband and daughter, Ranbir and Alia’s daughter Raha were also in attendance.
However, Raha was not seen in the footage. The midnight celebration took place outdoors. Little Raha was probably not there. But Ranveer was in high spirits. The stars rang in the New Year with a bottle of champagne in hand. As fireworks exploded in the sky, Ranveer ran up to Alia, hugged her and showered her with love.
Later, Neetu Kapoor posted a few pictures on Instagram. Her entire family can be seen together. Mr. Ranbir Kapoor is seen wearing a black shirt and black trousers. Ranbir is standing with Raha on his lap. Little Raha was wearing a beautiful red and white dress with her hair tied with a red ribbon. Alia wore a black short dress. Soni Razdan stood right next to her daughter.
There was a time when there was a lot of talk about Ranbir’s ladies in B-Town. Kapoor Jr. had dated Deepika Padukone and Katrina Kaif. His relationship with Alia began during the shooting of the film Brahmastra. The star couple got married in a civil ceremony in April 2022. Raha was born in November the same year. Now Ranbir has become a “family man” and he doesn’t want to lose sight of Alia and Raha.