After the divorce of Indian tennis star Sania Mirza and Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik, various speculations about her personal life are doing the rounds on social media. She is currently living in Dubai with her son Izhaan. On the other hand, Indian cricketer Mohammed Shami is living separately from his wife Hasin Jahan due to differences. In this context, a news is being spread that Sania and Shami are getting married.
Recently, Sania Mirza and Mohammed Shami’s wedding photos have gone viral on social media. The news has gained momentum as the two appear to be bride and groom in these photos. These have led to speculation that they are indeed married. It has been revealed that these wedding photos are not real, but are completely created with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). The hooligans used photo editing tools to get Sania and Shami married. As the fake photos went viral on social media, the truth behind them has come to light. While some are taking them just for fun, others say that this kind of publicity about personal lives is unnecessary and poses a threat to the privacy of celebrities.