Stree 2, starring Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao, has become the highest-grossing Bollywood film of the year. The film, which grossed over Rs 800 crore, is the best horror comedy in Bollywood. The film is a sequel to the 2018 film Stree. Since the first film was a huge hit, everyone has been waiting for its sequel for many years.
The film, which won everyone’s hearts after its release, has no limits on its collections. Along with Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao, Milky beauty Tamannaah also played her part in the film. Along with the story and comedy, the songs are also one of the reasons for the film becoming a hit. Every song released in the film became a big hit.
But above all, the song Aaj Ki Raat, starring Milky Beauty Tamanna in the film, has become a chat buster. Everyone from Bollywood to Tollywood liked this song. Milky Beauty Tamanna’s dance was a big plus for this song. It has become so popular that this song must be on everyone’s playlist this year.
The craze that Shraddha Kapoor got through this film has also become as much for Tamannaah. Wherever you look on social media including Instagram, reels on this song have reached a certain range. However, it is known that as part of the dubbing of this film, this song is also being completely dubbed in Telugu and released. This film has already been released on OTD and has achieved good viewership.