Queen Elizabeth II: Her Diaries to be released in a long-awaited book soon.

Elizabeth II’s little secrets revealed in a biography? Authors will soon have the privilege to dig into the Queen’s diaries. Here’s what you can expect:

It’s a special privilege. Historians will soon have the right to access Queen Elizabeth II’s diaries. According to tradition, Charles III should do just that: appoint an official biographer of the late queen. And to facilitate that task, the king is already preparing to send a very welcome source, with whom the queen spent 15 minutes each day. But we should not expect any major revelations about the moods of the very reserved monarch. In fact, it is said that she wrote down factual details of her daily life, rather than emotional outbursts.

His notes are also not planned to be published directly. Above all, they could serve as the basis for a future biography, already shaping up to be the longest ever about a British monarch. For security reasons, some passages will remain secret. Paul Wybrew, who accompanied Elisabeth for 40 years, has already reviewed the pages available to the author. But who will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in these extraordinary resources? The Daily Mail has compiled a list of eight candidates who could receive this honor. What’s your favorite? Robert Hardman is a monarchy expert close to former Prime Minister David Cameron and appears regularly in the pages of the Daily Mail. He’s already published a biography of the queen, Queen of Our Times: The Life of Elizabeth II, in 2022, which was selected as the Sunday Times’ biography of the year. So he’s well prepared for the task.

Elizabeth II biography: This obstacle delays the royal election

For some time, the king has been looking for someone to write the official biography of the queen as accurately as possible. But last October, the Telegraph revealed an unexpected difficulty. “That’s why we wonder whether publication during his lifetime would be possible,” explains Windsor historian Robert Lacey. “One period in the Queen’s life is particularly problematic: During Charles and Diana’s divorce, the relationship between the Queen and her son was reportedly particularly strained. Would the new King be able to process these painful memories and share them with the rest of the world?”

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